PI Services

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SCOM – Requête SQL des agents gérés par une gateway spécifique

La requête SQL ci-dessous affiche les agents gérés par une Gateway spécifique ainsi que le failover configuré ou non.

Use OperationsManager
DECLARE @PrimaryServer VARCHAR(50)
SET @PrimaryServer = 'MyGateway'
PrimaryRelation (SourceEntityId,agent,PrimaryServer,TargetEntityId)
SELECT R.SourceEntityID,SourceBME.DisplayName as Agent,TargetBME.DisplayName as PrimaryServer, R.TargetEntityID
FROM Relationship R WITH (NOLOCK) 
JOIN BaseManagedEntity SourceBME 
ON R.SourceEntityID = SourceBME.BaseManagedEntityID 
JOIN BaseManagedEntity TargetBME 
ON R.TargetEntityID = TargetBME.BaseManagedEntityID 
WHERE R.RelationshipTypeId = dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_MicrosoftSystemCenterHealthServiceCommunication() 
FailoverRelation (SourceEntityId,agent,FailoverServer,TargetEntityId)
SELECT R.SourceEntityID,SourceBME.DisplayName as Agent,TargetBME.DisplayName as FailoverServer, R.TargetEntityID
FROM Relationship R WITH (NOLOCK) 
JOIN BaseManagedEntity SourceBME 
ON R.SourceEntityID = SourceBME.BaseManagedEntityID 
JOIN BaseManagedEntity TargetBME 
ON R.TargetEntityID = TargetBME.BaseManagedEntityID 
WHERE R.RelationshipTypeId = dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_MicrosoftSystemCenterHealthServiceSecondaryCommunication()
       MTV_HS.[DisplayName] as Agent
      ,FailoverServer =  -- FIELD RELATED TO 'LEFT OUTER JOIN' ON FailoverRelation TABLE
        WHEN FailoverRelation.FailoverServer IS NULL THEN 'NO FAILOVER'
        ELSE FailoverRelation.FailoverServer
      ,Patch = CASE 
        WHEN [PatchList] like '%UR4%' THEN 'RU4'
        WHEN [PatchList] like '%UR8%' THEN 'RU8'
        WHEN [PatchList] like '%UR11%' THEN 'RU11'
        WHEN [PatchList] = '' THEN '[NO_DATA]'
      ,[NumberOfMissingHeartBeatsToMarkMachineDown_27AD2E30_EFE0_1A73_8C9D_F0A22B073227] as NumberOfMissingHeartBeatsToMarkMachineDown
      ,MTV_OS.DisplayName as OS
      ,MTV_OS.LogicalProcessors_5CAE4847_F75B_01D0_156E_1658D557B739 as Logic_CPU
      ,MTV_OS.CSDVersion_AFE62B62_74FC_2F06_D8A0_DEE31F14CD33 as ServicePack
  FROM [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MTV_HealthService] as MTV_HS
  INNER JOIN  [dbo].[MTV_Microsoft$Windows$OperatingSystem] as MTV_OS on MTV_HS.DisplayName = MTV_OS.PrincipalName
  INNER JOIN PrimaryRelation on PrimaryRelation.SourceEntityId = MTV_HS.BaseManagedEntityId
  LEFT OUTER JOIN FailoverRelation on FailoverRelation.SourceEntityId = MTV_HS.BaseManagedEntityId
  WHERE IsAgent = '1'
  AND PrimaryServer like '%'+@PrimaryServer+'%'
  order by MTV_HS.[DisplayName]

SCOM – Requête SQL de toutes les instances d’objet pour une machine

La requête ci-dessous liste toute les instances d’objets qui se rapporte a une machine donnée, avec leur état ainsi que les infos sur un éventuel mode maintenance en cours sur l’objet.

Use OperationsManager
DECLARE @TargetComputer VARCHAR(50)
set @TargetComputer = 'MyServer'
MTV.DisplayName as ClassName
,MEGV.Path as Instance_Path
,MEGV.[DisplayName] as 'Entity_DisplayName'
,MEGV.[Name] as 'Entity_Name'
,MEGV.[FullName] as Entity_FullName
,HealthState =                                                     
    CASE WHEN InMaintenanceMode = '0'
        CASE [HealthState]
        WHEN '0' THEN 'Not Monitored'
        WHEN '1' THEN 'OK'
        WHEN '2' THEN 'Warning'
        WHEN '3' THEN 'Critical'
        WHEN InMaintenanceMode = '1'
        CASE [HealthState]
        WHEN '0' THEN 'In Maintenance Mode'
        WHEN '1' THEN 'OK'
        WHEN '2' THEN 'Warning'
        WHEN '3' THEN 'Critical'
,Is_Available = 
    CASE [IsAvailable]
    WHEN '1' THEN 'YES'
    WHEN '2' THEN 'NO'
,In_MaintenanceMode = 
CASE [InMaintenanceMode]
,Start_Of_Maintenance = 
    CASE WHEN InMaintenanceMode = '0' 
        THEN null
        ELSE MMV.StartTime
       ,End_Of_Maintenance = 
        CASE WHEN InMaintenanceMode = '0'
                THEN null
        ELSE MMV.ScheduledEndTime
        ,Maintenance_RootCause = 
            CASE WHEN InMaintenanceMode = '0'
              THEN null
                CASE MMV.ReasonCode
                WHEN '0' THEN 'Other (Planned)'
                WHEN '1' THEN 'Other (Unplanned)'
                WHEN '2' THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)'
                WHEN '3' THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned)'
                WHEN '4' THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Planned)'
                WHEN '5' THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Unplanned)'
                WHEN '6' THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned)'
                WHEN '7' THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)'
                WHEN '8' THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Planned)'
                WHEN '9' THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Unplanned)'
                WHEN '10' THEN 'Application: Installation (Planned)'
                WHEN '11' THEN 'Application: Unresponsive'
                WHEN '12' THEN 'Application:  Unstable'
                WHEN '13' THEN 'Security Issue'
                WHEN '14' THEN 'Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned)'
,Maintenance_Reason =   
    CASE WHEN InMaintenanceMode = '0' 
    THEN null
    ELSE MMV.Comments
FROM [OperationsManager].[dbo].[ManagedEntityGenericView] MEGV
INNER JOIN [dbo].[ManagedTypeView] MTV on MEGV.MonitoringClassId = MTV.Id
INNER JOIN [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MaintenanceModeView] MMV on MEGV.id = MMV.BaseManagedEntityId
WHERE (MEGV.Name  like '%'+@TargetComputer+'%' OR MEGV.DisplayName  like '%'+@TargetComputer+'%' OR MEGV.Path  like '%'+@TargetComputer+'%')
and MTV.LanguageCode = 'ENU'
and MEGV.HealthState is not null
and MEGV.IsDeleted <> '1'
ORDER BY MTV.DisplayName

SCOM – Requête des heartbeat failure pour les membres d’un groupe spécifique

La requête ci-dessous, a exécuter sur la base de reporting, liste les alertes “Health Service Heartbeat Failure” pour les membres d’un groupe donné (@computergroup1) sur une plage de temps donnée.

-- QUERY TO GET 'Health Service Heartbeat Failure' ALERTS FOR COMPUTERS THAT ARE MEMBERS OF A SPECIFIC GROUP (@computergroup1)
-- MODIFY @computergroup1 AND @startdate/@enddate
Use OperationsManagerDW
DECLARE @startdate    datetime
DECLARE @enddate    datetime
DECLARE @computergroup1    VARCHAR(100)
SET @startdate = '2017-09-01 00:00:00'
SET @enddate = '2017-09-30 00:00:00'
SET @computergroup1 = 'MyGroup'
,apv.ParameterValue as SystemName
,(DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),av.RaisedDateTime)) as DownDateTime 
,(DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),arsv.StateSetDateTime)) as RestoredDateTime
,adv.CustomField2 as OutageType 
,adv.CustomField3 as RootCause 
,Alert_ResolutionState = CASE
    WHEN arsv.ResolutionState = '255' THEN 'Closed'
,adv.DBLastModifiedByUserId as UserID
FROM Alert.vAlert av
JOIN Alert.vAlertDetail adv on av.AlertGuid = adv.AlertGuid
JOIN Alert.vAlertResolutionState arsv on av.AlertGuid = arsv.AlertGuid
JOIN Alert.vAlertParameter apv on av.AlertGuid = apv.AlertGuid
JOIN    (
        select av.AlertGuid 
        ,(DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),av.RaisedDateTime)) as DownDateTime 
        ,MAX(arsv.StateSetDateTime) as restoretime
        from Alert.vAlert av
        JOIN Alert.vAlertDetail adv on av.AlertGuid = adv.AlertGuid
        JOIN Alert.vAlertResolutionState arsv on av.AlertGuid = arsv.AlertGuid
        JOIN Alert.vAlertParameter apv on av.AlertGuid = apv.AlertGuid
        GROUP BY av.AlertGuid,av.RaisedDateTime
        ) temp on temp.AlertGuid = av.AlertGuid
WHERE AlertName = 'Health Service Heartbeat Failure'
AND arsv.ResolutionState = '255'
AND (DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),av.RaisedDateTime)) between @startdate and @enddate
and apv.ParameterValue IN (
SELECT vManagedEntity.DisplayName
FROM  vManagedEntity 
INNER JOIN vRelationship ON vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId = vRelationship.TargetManagedEntityRowId 
INNER JOIN vManagedEntity AS ManagedEntity_1 ON vRelationship.SourceManagedEntityRowId = ManagedEntity_1.ManagedEntityRowId
    WHERE (ManagedEntity_1.DisplayName = @computergroup1)
AND arsv.StateSetDateTime = temp.restoretime
AND adv.TicketId is not null
GROUP BY apv.ParameterValue,adv.TicketId,av.AlertGuid,av.AlertName,av.RaisedDateTime,arsv.StateSetDateTime,adv.CustomField2,adv.CustomField3,/*adv.CustomField4,*/arsv.ResolutionState,adv.DBLastModifiedByUserId
ORDER BY apv.ParameterValue


SCOM – SQL – Trois requêtes d’inventaires des overrides par type d’objet.

Un peu a la manière du précédent post sur l’inventaire des overrides, les trois requêtes suivantes permettent de lister les overrides selon les types d’objet “Rule”, “Monitor” et “Discovery”.



/* All Overrides for Rules of language code EUN and FRA, with Original MP and Rule, Parameter Name, Override Value, Scope and Containing MP */ Use OperationsManager SELECT mpv2.DisplayName as Rule_MP_Name ,rv.DisplayName as Rule_Name ,IsEnabledByDefault = CASE WHEN rv.Enabled = '0' THEN 'NO' WHEN rv.Enabled <> '0' THEN 'YES' END ,op.OverrideableParameterName as Overrideable_Parameter ,mo.Value as Override_Value ,IsEnforced = CASE WHEN mo.Enforced = '0' THEN 'NO' WHEN mo.Enforced = '1' THEN 'YES' END ,mt.TypeName as Override_Scope ,bme.DisplayName as Override_InstanceName ,bme.Path as Override_InstancePath ,mpv.DisplayName as Override_MP_Name FROM ModuleOverride mo INNER JOIN managementpackview mpv on mpv.Id = mo.ManagementPackId INNER JOIN ruleview rv on rv.Id = mo.ParentId INNER JOIN ManagedType mt on mt.managedtypeid = mo.TypeContext INNER JOIN [dbo].[OverrideableParameter] op on op.OverrideableParameterId = mo.OverrideableParameterId INNER JOIN managementpackview mpv2 on mpv2.Id = rv.ManagementPackId LEFT JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.BaseManagedEntityId = mo.InstanceContext WHERE mpv.Sealed = 0 AND rv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mpv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mpv2.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') --ORDER BY mpv2.DisplayName


/*All Overrides for Monitor of language code EUN and FRA, with Original MP and Monitor, Parameter Name, Override Value, Scope and Containing MP */ Use OperationsManager SELECT mpv2.DisplayName as Monitor_MP_Name ,mv.DisplayName as Monitor_Name ,IsEnabledByDefault = CASE WHEN mv.Enabled = '0' THEN 'NO' WHEN mv.Enabled <> '0' THEN 'YES' END ,op.OverrideableParameterName as Overrideable_Parameter ,mo.Value as Override_Value ,IsEnforced = CASE WHEN mo.Enforced = '0' THEN 'NO' WHEN mo.Enforced = '1' THEN 'YES' END ,mt.TypeName as Override_Scope ,bme.DisplayName as Override_InstanceName ,bme.Path as Override_InstancePath ,mpv.DisplayName as Override_MP_Name FROM MonitorOverride mo INNER JOIN managementpackview mpv on mpv.Id = mo.ManagementPackId INNER JOIN monitorview mv on mv.Id = mo.MonitorId INNER JOIN ManagedType mt on mt.managedtypeid = mo.TypeContext INNER JOIN [dbo].[OverrideableParameter] op on op.OverrideableParameterId = mo.OverrideableParameterId INNER JOIN managementpackview mpv2 on mpv2.Id = mv.ManagementPackId LEFT JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.BaseManagedEntityId = mo.InstanceContext WHERE mpv.Sealed = 0 AND mv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mpv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mpv2.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') ORDER BY mpv2.DisplayName


-- All Overrides for Discoveries of language code EUN and FRA, with Original MP and Discovery, Parameter Name, Override Value, Scope and Containing MP */ Use OperationsManager SELECT mpv2.DisplayName as Discovery_MP_Name ,dv.DisplayName as Discovery_Name ,mo.ParentType ,IsEnabledByDefault = CASE WHEN dv.Enabled = '0' THEN 'NO' WHEN dv.Enabled <> '0' THEN 'YES' END ,op.OverrideableParameterName as Overrideable_Parameter ,mo.Value as Override_Value ,IsEnforced = CASE WHEN mo.Enforced = '0' THEN 'NO' WHEN mo.Enforced = '1' THEN 'YES' END ,mt.TypeName as Override_Scope ,bme.DisplayName as Override_InstanceName ,bme.Path as Override_InstancePath ,mpv.DisplayName as Override_MP_Name FROM ModuleOverride mo INNER JOIN managementpackview mpv on mpv.Id = mo.ManagementPackId INNER JOIN DiscoveryView dv on dv.Id = mo.ParentId INNER JOIN ManagedType mt on mt.managedtypeid = mo.TypeContext INNER JOIN [dbo].[OverrideableParameter] op on op.OverrideableParameterId = mo.OverrideableParameterId INNER JOIN managementpackview mpv2 on mpv2.Id = dv.ManagementPackId LEFT JOIN BaseManagedEntity bme on bme.BaseManagedEntityId = mo.InstanceContext WHERE mpv.Sealed = 0 AND dv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mpv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mpv2.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND mo.ParentType = 'Discovery' ORDER BY mpv2.DisplayName

SCOM - Requête SQL pour afficher toutes les règles ayant au moins un override ou aucun



-- QUERY TO DISPLAY ALL RULES WITH TARGET CLASSES AND THEIR OVERRIDE STATE (ANYWAY MORE THAN 1 OVERRIDE PER RULE) - (FILTERED ON 'ENU' AND 'FRA' LANGUAGES) -- THE FINAL 'GROUP BY' CLAUSE IS TO DISPLAY ONLY ONE RULE OCCURENCE (WE ONLY WANT TO KNOW THAT RULE IS OVERRIDEN AT LEAST ONE TIME. -- THAT IS EQUIVALENT TO DELETE THE 'ALL' STATEMENT IN UNION CLAUSE. PRINT 'ALL RULES THAT IS OVERRIDEN AT LEAST 1 TIME OR NOT'; WITH TEMP1 (Rule_Name,Target_Class,Override_State) AS ( SELECT rv.DisplayName as Rule_Name ,MTV.DisplayName as Target_Class ,Override_State = CASE WHEN mo.ParentId is null THEN 'NOT OVERRIDEN' WHEN mo.ParentId is not null THEN 'OVERRIDEN' END FROM RuleView rv FULL JOIN ModuleOverride mo on rv.Id = mo.ParentId INNER JOIN [dbo].[ManagedTypeView] MTV on rv.TargetMonitoringClassId = MTV.Id WHERE rv.Id not in (select mo.ParentId from ModuleOverride mo) AND rv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND MTV.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') UNION ALL SELECT rv.DisplayName as Rule_name ,MTV.DisplayName as Target_Class ,Override_State = CASE WHEN mo.ParentId is null THEN 'NOT OVERRIDEN' WHEN mo.ParentId is not null THEN 'OVERRIDEN' END FROM RuleView rv FULL JOIN ModuleOverride mo on rv.Id = mo.ParentId JOIN [dbo].[ManagedTypeView] MTV on rv.TargetMonitoringClassId = MTV.Id WHERE rv.Id in (select mo.ParentId from ModuleOverride mo) AND rv.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') AND MTV.LanguageCode in ('ENU','FRA') ) SELECT Rule_Name ,Target_Class ,Override_State FROM TEMP1 GROUP BY Rule_Name,Target_Class,Override_State ORDER BY Rule_Name

SCOM – Script Mode Maintenance des Health Service Watcher

Lors du basculement d’agents gérés par une gateway vers une gateway de secours (failover), il peut arriver que quelques alertes “Heartbeat Failure” indésirables soit générées.

Le script suivant propose de lister, démarrer  ou arrêter les modes maintenance des instances Health Service Watcher des agents gérés par une gateway/management server donné.

Cette action est bien entendu possible pour une autre classe, dans la mesure ou le DisplayName  de l’instance correspond a celui de l’agent.



########################################################################################################################################### ## SCRIPT TO START/STOP/DISPLAY MAINTENANCE MODE FOR HEALTH SERVICE WATCHER OBJECTS THAT DEPENDS FROM SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT SERVER OR GATEWAY ## Author: CJOURDAN ########################################################################################################################################### #Parameters # $MGroup : Management Group to connect to # $MStoConnect : Management server to connect to # $PrimMS : Management server or Gateway FQDN from which depend agents. # $Reason : Reason for Maintenance Mode (Valid Reason are: PlannedOther # UnPlannedOther # PlannedHardwareMaintenance # UnplannedHardwareMaintenance # PlannedHardwareInstallation # UnplannedHardwareInstallation # PlannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration # UnplannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration # PlannedApplicationMaintenance # ApplicationInstallation # ApplicationUnresponsive # ApplicationUnstable # SecurityIssue # LossOfNetworkConnectivity) # # $Comment : Comment for Maintenance Mode # $MMAction : START or STOP OR DISPLAY Maintenance Mode # $MMDuration : Maintenance Mode Duration in minutes (only valuable for START $MMAction) # EXAMPLES: # Display Health Service Watcher Maintenance Mode Status for agents primary managed by MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home # .\ScomSwitchMM.ps1 -MGroup MyMGROUP -MStoConnect MyMS.mydomain.home -PrimMS MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home -MMAction display # Start Health Service Watcher Maintenance Mode for agents primary managed by MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home during 60 min # .\ScomSwitchMM.ps1 -MGroup MyMGROUP -MStoConnect MyMS.mydomain.home -PrimMS MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home -MMAction start -MMDuration 60 Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ClassName = "Health Service Watcher", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MGroup = "MyMGROUP", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MStoConnect= "MyMS.mydomain.home", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $PrimMS= "MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Reason = "PlannedOther", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Comment = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $MMAction = $(Read-Host -Prompt "PROVIDE TYPE OF MAINTENANCE MODE ACTION: START or STOP OR DISPLAY"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] # $MMDuration in minutes $MMDuration = 0 ) if ($MMAction -notmatch ".*STOP.*|.*START.*|.*DISPLAY.*") { write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "YOU MUST PROVIDE VALID MAINTENANCE MODE ACTION TYPE: START or STOP or DISPLAY" EXIT 1 } $cred = $(Get-Credential -Credential "MyDomain\") #Import du module SCOM try { Import-Module -Name OperationsManager -ErrorAction stop } catch { write-host -ForegroundColor red "Error during import of SCOM PS Module" EXIT 1 } #Connection au management group $MGroup try { New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $MStoConnect -Credential $cred } catch { write-host -ForegroundColor red "Error during connection to MS $MStoConnect - CHECK CREDENTIALS USED" EXIT 1 } # Get Scom agents that have $PrimMS as Primary Management Server $agents = get-scomagent | where {$_.PrimaryManagementServerName -eq $PrimMS} if (!($agents)) { write-host "NO SCOM AGENTS FOUND FOR SERVER $PrimMS - CHECK THAT THE NAME IS CORRECT (YOU MUST PROVIDE FQDN) OR THAT THIS SERVER BELONG TO $MGroup MANAGEMENT GROUP" EXIT 1 } # Get "Health Service Watcher" Class Instances $class = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName $ClassName switch($MMAction) { START { # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class # Class to put in MM Table $ClassInstToMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstToMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $starttime = $(get-date).ToUniversalTime() $endtime = $(get-date).AddMinutes($MMDuration).ToUniversalTime() # PUT IN Maintenance Mode $($ClassInstToMM | foreach {$_.schedulemaintenancemode($starttime,$endtime,$Reason,$Comment)}) # Display effective instances in MM write-host "EFFECTIVE INSTANCES OF CLASS '$ClassName' IN MAINTENANCE MODE (Primary Managed by $PrimMS):" # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class $ClassInstInMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstInMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $ClassInstInMM } STOP { # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class # Class to put out of MM Table $ClassInstOoMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstOoMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } # Only Endttime in necessary and it is now $endtime = $(get-date).ToUniversalTime() # PUT IN Maintenance Mode $($ClassInstOoMM | foreach {$_.stopmaintenancemode($endtime)}) # Display effective instances in MM write-host "EFFECTIVE INSTANCES OF CLASS '$ClassName' OUT OF MAINTENANCE MODE (Primary Managed by $PrimMS):" # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class $ClassInstOoMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstOoMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $ClassInstOoMM } DISPLAY { # Display effective instances in MM write-host "`n INSTANCES OF CLASS '$ClassName' MAINTENANCE MODE STATE (Primary Managed by $PrimMS):" # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class $ClassInstMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $ClassInstMM } }

SCOM – SQL – Requête d’inventaire des overrides

La requête ci-dessous permet de lister tout les overrides de manière ‘clarifiés’ afin d’identifier les objets a la source de ces overrides, les paramètres concernés et les management pack sources et de destination.

Les paramètres @Startdate et @EndDate permettent de spécifier une fenêtre de temps concernant les dates de création et de dernière modification des overrides.



declare @StartDate  datetime declare @EndDate    datetime set @EndDate = GETDATE() set @StartDate = DATEADD(day,-60,@EndDate)   SELECT DISTINCT MP.MPFriendlyName AS 'Management Pack' , aov.ParentType AS 'Type' ,(CASE        WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleProperty' THEN R.RuleName        WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorProperty' THEN M.MonitorName        WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleConfiguration' THEN R.RuleName        WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorConfiguration' THEN M.MonitorName  END) AS 'NameType', mt.DisplayName AS ContextDisplayName , aov.OverrideableParameterName , aov.Value, (CASE Enforced        WHEN '0' THEN 'False'        WHEN '1' THEN 'True'   END) AS 'Enforced'   , aov.LastModified   , aov.TimeAdded   ,(CASE   WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleProperty' THEN              (CASE R.RuleEnabled              WHEN '0' THEN 'False'              WHEN '2' THEN 'True'              WHEN '3' THEN 'True'              WHEN '4' THEN 'True'              END)     WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorProperty' THEN              (CASE M.MonitorEnabled              WHEN '0' THEN 'False'              WHEN '2' THEN 'True'              WHEN '3' THEN 'True'              WHEN '4' THEN 'True'              END)     WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleConfiguration' THEN              (CASE R.RuleEnabled              WHEN '0' THEN 'False'              WHEN '2' THEN 'True'              WHEN '3' THEN 'True'              WHEN '4' THEN 'True'              END)                WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorConfiguration' THEN              (CASE M.MonitorEnabled              WHEN '0' THEN 'False'              WHEN '2' THEN 'True'              WHEN '3' THEN 'True'              WHEN '4' THEN 'True'              END) END) AS 'Enable_by_default', MPSTORE.MPFriendlyName AS 'MP Stored'   FROM AllOverrideView AS aov LEFT OUTER JOIN Rules AS R WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = R.RuleId AND (aov.OverrideType = 'RuleProperty' OR aov.OverrideType = 'RuleConfiguration') LEFT OUTER JOIN Monitor AS M WITH (nolock) ON aov.TargetId = M.MonitorId AND (aov.OverrideType = 'MonitorProperty' OR aov.OverrideType = 'MonitorConfiguration') LEFT OUTER JOIN  ManagementPack AS MP WITH (nolock) ON (CASE                                                                                               WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleProperty' THEN R.ManagementPackId                                                                                               WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'RuleConfiguration' THEN R.ManagementPackId                                                                                               WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorProperty' THEN M.ManagementPackId                                                                                               WHEN AOV.OverrideType = 'MonitorConfiguration' THEN M.ManagementPackId                                                                                               END) = MP.ManagementPackId INNER JOIN ManagementPack AS MPSTORE WITH (nolock) ON MPSTORE.ManagementPackId = aov.ManagementPackId LEFT OUTER JOIN ManagedTypeView AS mt WITH (nolock) ON mt.Id = aov.ContextId LEFT OUTER JOIN ManagedTypeView AS mtv WITH (nolock) ON mtv.Id = aov.ContextObjectId   WHERE (MP.MPFriendlyName IS NOT NULL) AND (aov.LastModified BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate) OR (MP.MPFriendlyName IS NOT NULL) AND (aov.TimeAdded BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate)   ORDER BY aov.TimeAdded DESC

SCOM – SQL – Requete des Unreachable Computer pour un groupe specifique

La requete sql suivante affiche les evenement de type Unreachable Computer pour les machines membres d’un groupe spécifique, pour une période donnée, avec les infos de cause et de User associés.


/**** Unreachable Computer Event from Specific Group  ****/   Use OperationsManagerDW   DECLARE @startdate     datetime DECLARE @enddate      datetime DECLARE @computergroup1     VARCHAR(50)   SET @startdate = '2017-01-01 00:00:00' SET @enddate = '2017-01-31 00:00:00' SET @computergroup1 = 'My_Group'     SELECT apv.ParameterValue as SystemName ,(DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),av.RaisedDateTime)) as DownDateTime, (DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),arsv.StateSetDateTime)) as RestoredDateTime, adv.CustomField2 as OutageType, adv.CustomField3 as RootCause, adv.CustomField4 as Reason, adv.DBLastModifiedByUserId as UserID FROM Alert.vAlert av JOIN Alert.vAlertDetail adv on av.AlertGuid = adv.AlertGuid JOIN Alert.vAlertResolutionState arsv on av.AlertGuid = arsv.AlertGuid JOIN Alert.vAlertParameter apv on av.AlertGuid = apv.AlertGuid WHERE AlertName = 'Failed to Connect to Computer' AND arsv.ResolutionState = '255' --AND adv.CustomField2 IS NOT NULL AND (DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),av.RaisedDateTime)) between @startdate and @enddate AND apv.ParameterValue IN ( SELECT vManagedEntity.DisplayName FROM  vManagedEntity INNER JOIN vRelationship ON vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId = vRelationship.TargetManagedEntityRowId INNER JOIN vManagedEntity AS ManagedEntity_1 ON vRelationship.SourceManagedEntityRowId = ManagedEntity_1.ManagedEntityRowId WHERE (ManagedEntity_1.DisplayName = @computergroup1) )   UNION ALL   SELECT vme.displayname, (DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),vmm.StartDateTime)) as DownDateTime, (DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),vmm.EndDateTime)) as RestoredDateTime, 'OutageType' = CASE   vmm.PlannedMaintenanceInd   WHEN '1' THEN 'Scheduled'   WHEN '0' THEN 'Unscheduled' END, 'RootCause' = CASE   vmmh.ReasonCode   WHEN '0' THEN 'Other (Planned)'   WHEN '1' THEN 'Other (Unplanned)'   WHEN '2' THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Planned)'   WHEN '3' THEN 'Hardware: Maintenance (Unplanned)'   WHEN '4' THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Planned)'   WHEN '5' THEN 'Hardware: Installation (Unplanned)'   WHEN '6' THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Planned)'   WHEN '7' THEN 'Operating System: Reconfiguration (Unplanned)'   WHEN '8' THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Planned)'   WHEN '9' THEN 'Application: Maintenance (Unplanned)'   WHEN '10' THEN 'Application: Installation (Planned)'   WHEN '11' THEN 'Application: Unresponsive'   WHEN '12' THEN 'Application:  Unstable'   WHEN '13' THEN 'Security Issue'   WHEN '14' THEN 'Loss of network connectivity (Unplanned)' END, vmmh.Comment as Reason, vmmh.userid as UserID FROM vMaintenanceMode vmm JOIN vManagedEntity vme on vmm.managedentityrowid = vme.managedentityrowid JOIN vMaintenanceModeHistory vmmh on vmm.maintenancemoderowid = vmmh.maintenancemoderowid WHERE vme.FullName LIKE '%HealthServiceWatcher%' AND (DATEADD(hh,DATEDIFF(hh,getutcdate(),getdate()),vmm.StartDateTime)) between @startdate and @enddate AND vme.displayname IN ( SELECT vManagedEntity.DisplayName FROM  vManagedEntity INNER JOIN vRelationship ON vManagedEntity.ManagedEntityRowId = vRelationship.TargetManagedEntityRowId INNER JOIN vManagedEntity AS ManagedEntity_1 ON vRelationship.SourceManagedEntityRowId = ManagedEntity_1.ManagedEntityRowId WHERE (ManagedEntity_1.DisplayName = @computergroup1) ) ORDER BY DownDateTime DESC

SCOM – SQL – Requete d’info etendue sur les agents Scom

La requete suivante affiche des infos etendues sur les agents Scom, avec le détails des Primary et Failover Servers.


/****** Scom Agent Extended Infos ******/   Use OperationsManager   WITH PrimaryRelation (SourceEntityId,agent,PrimaryServer,TargetEntityId) AS ( SELECT R.SourceEntityID,SourceBME.DisplayName as Agent,TargetBME.DisplayName as PrimaryServer, R.TargetEntityID FROM Relationship R WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN BaseManagedEntity SourceBME ON R.SourceEntityID = SourceBME.BaseManagedEntityID JOIN BaseManagedEntity TargetBME ON R.TargetEntityID = TargetBME.BaseManagedEntityID WHERE R.RelationshipTypeId = dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_MicrosoftSystemCenterHealthServiceCommunication() ) , FailoverRelation (SourceEntityId,agent,FailoverServer,TargetEntityId) AS ( SELECT R.SourceEntityID,SourceBME.DisplayName as Agent,TargetBME.DisplayName as FailoverServer, R.TargetEntityID FROM Relationship R WITH (NOLOCK) JOIN BaseManagedEntity SourceBME ON R.SourceEntityID = SourceBME.BaseManagedEntityID JOIN BaseManagedEntity TargetBME ON R.TargetEntityID = TargetBME.BaseManagedEntityID WHERE R.RelationshipTypeId = dbo.fn_ManagedTypeId_MicrosoftSystemCenterHealthServiceSecondaryCommunication() )     SELECT                    MTV_HS.[DisplayName]                   ,PrimaryRelation.PrimaryServer                   ,FailoverServer                   ,Failover_State = CASE                                WHEN FailoverRelation.FailoverServer IS NULL THEN 'NO FAILOVER'                                ELSE FailoverRelation.FailoverServer                                END                   ,[Port]       ,[InstallTime]       ,[MaximumQueueSize]       ,Patch = CASE                     WHEN [PatchList] like '%UR4%' THEN 'RU4'                                WHEN [PatchList] like '%UR8%' THEN 'RU8'                                WHEN [PatchList] like '%UR11%' THEN 'RU11'                                WHEN [PatchList] = '' THEN '[NO_DATA]'                                END       ,[IsManuallyInstalled]       ,[Version]       ,[ActionAccountIdentity]       ,[ProxyingEnabled]       ,[HeartbeatInterval]       ,[NumberOfMissingHeartBeatsToMarkMachineDown_27AD2E30_EFE0_1A73_8C9D_F0A22B073227] as NumberOfMissingHeartBeatsToMarkMachineDown                   ,MTV_OS.DisplayName as OS                   ,MTV_OS.CSDVersion_AFE62B62_74FC_2F06_D8A0_DEE31F14CD33 as ServicePack                   ,MTV_OS.LogicalProcessors_5CAE4847_F75B_01D0_156E_1658D557B739 as Logic_CPU                         FROM [OperationsManager].[dbo].[MTV_HealthService] as MTV_HS   INNER JOIN  [dbo].[MTV_Microsoft$Windows$OperatingSystem] as MTV_OS on MTV_HS.DisplayName = MTV_OS.PrincipalName     INNER JOIN PrimaryRelation on PrimaryRelation.SourceEntityId = MTV_HS.BaseManagedEntityId   LEFT OUTER JOIN FailoverRelation on FailoverRelation.SourceEntityId = MTV_HS.BaseManagedEntityId       WHERE IsAgent = '1'

Fonction de collecte de perf via Scom

Bien que la méthode en passant par une requête SQL soit plus rapide, il peut être utile de pouvoir collecter des données de performance spécifique via le sdk Scom.

La fonction suivants prend en paramètre  les données de connexion ($managementServer,$user,$passwd) et les critère de compteurs de performance qui peuvent être regroupé dans le paramètre $criteria, ainsi que le paramètre $HourOffset qui permet de préciser une fenêtre de collecte.

! Attention: Plus ce paramètre en heure est important, plus le nombre de sample renvoyé est important.


    # Fonction de recuperation de compteur de performance dans la base OperationsManager       Function GetPerfValueFromScomv2($managementServer,$user,$passwd,$criteria,$monitoringClassId = $null,$monitoringObjectName = $null,$monitoringObjectDisplayName = $null,$objectName = $null,$counterName = $null,$instanceName = $null,$HourOffset,$startTime = (Get-Date).AddHours(-$HourWindow),$endTime = (Get-Date))     {   #Fonction d'ajout de critere a la requete function Add-Criteria() {     param($criteria,$clause)           if ($criteria -ne $null)         {$criteria += " AND $clause"}     else         {$criteria = $clause}               return($criteria) }     #Import du module Scom import-module OperationsManager   #Connexion au management server     $mgConn = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroupConnectionSettings($managementServer) $mgConn.UserName = $user $mgConn.Password = $passwd $mg = New-Object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ManagementGroup($mgConn)     if ($criteria -eq $null) {     if ($monitoringClassId -ne $null) { $criteria = Add-Criteria -criteria $criteria -clause "MonitoringClassId = '{$monitoringClassId}'" }     if ($monitoringObjectDisplayName -ne $null) { $criteria = Add-Criteria -criteria $criteria -clause "MonitoringObjectDisplayName = '$monitoringObjectDisplayName'" }     if ($monitoringObjectName -ne $null) { $criteria = Add-Criteria -criteria $criteria -clause "MonitoringObjectName = '$monitoringObjectName'" }     if ($objectName -ne $null) { $criteria = Add-Criteria -criteria $criteria -clause "ObjectName = '$objectName'" }     if ($counterName -ne $null) { $criteria = Add-Criteria -criteria $criteria -clause "CounterName = '$counterName'" }     if ($instanceName -ne $null) { $criteria = Add-Criteria -criteria $criteria -clause "InstanceName = '$instanceName'" } }   #Creation du reader $reader = $mg.GetMonitoringPerformanceDataReader($criteria) while ($reader.Read()) {     #Creation de l'objet de performance     $perfData = $reader.GetMonitoringPerformanceData()     $valueReader = $perfData.GetValueReader($startTime,$endTime)       #Renvoi des valeurs     while ($valueReader.Read())     {         $perfValue = $valueReader.GetMonitoringPerformanceDataValue()         $perfValue     } }   }