Powershell : WSUS Report Servers States

par | Juil 6, 2022 | PowerShell, WSUS | 0 commentaires

Voici un script qui vous permettra de réaliser un état des lieu sur les mises à jour de sécurité nécessaires pour l’ensemble de vos serveurs rattachés à un WSUS.

Attention : Prenez soins de modifier les variables suivantes :

  1. Sur la ligne 12 vous pouvez remplacer le « -30 » par un valeur plus élevé si vous souhaitez un delta plus large (le -30 correspondant à M – 1, et ainsi connaitre le nombre de mise à jours manquante à J-30 jours)
  2. Sur la ligne 14 $Alias (doit correspondra à l’alias renseigné dans votre DNS).
  3. Ligne 44 vous pouvez ajouter un -Credential (si vous n’exécutez pas ce script dans un contexte avec les droits nécessaires).


Ce dernier est une version pour un WSUS unique en mode autonome ou déconnecté, ne possédant pas de Downstram Server, je publierais une autre version pour ce cas de figure.

# Step 1 : Variables Definition #
#region - Variables
$RootFolder = "C:\Temp\WSUS"
$ResultFolder = "$RootFolder\Result"
$LogFolder = "$RootFolder\Logs"
$Archives = "$RootFolder\Archives"
$AllFolders = $RootFolder, $ResultFolder, $LogFolder, $Archives
$LogFile = "$LogFolder\GeneralLog.log"
$Date = Get-Date -Format M
$TargetDate = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-30)).ToString('MM/dd/yyyy')
$Array = @()
$Alias = "wsus"

# Folders creation
foreach ($Folder in $AllFolders) {
    If (!(Test-Path $Folder)) {
        New-Item $Folder -ItemType Directory

# Old Files deletion
Get-ChildItem $LogFolder | Remove-Item -Force
Get-ChildItem $ResultFolder | Remove-Item -Force
#endregion - Variables

# Step 2 : Locate WSUS Server #
#region - Locate WSUS Server
Write-Output "Trying to locate WSUS server" | Add-Content $LogFile
Try {
    $WSUSServer = Resolve-DnsName $Alias -ErrorAction Stop | select -ExpandProperty Name -Last 1
    Write-Output "Successfully locate WSUS server" | Add-Content $LogFile
Catch {
    Write-Output "Failed to locate WSUS server" | Add-Content $LogFile

# Wsus Role Check
Write-Output "Verifying WSUS server role installation" | Add-Content $LogFile
Try {
    $WsusRoleInstalled = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $WSUSServer -ScriptBlock {Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {($_.InstallState -eq "Installed") -and ($_.Name -like "UpdateServices")}} -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object -Property Installed
    Write-Output "Successfully Run the query" | Add-Content $LogFile
    If ($WsusRoleInstalled.Installed -ne $true) {
        # End of Script
        Write-Output "WSUS Server not found" | Add-Content $LogFile
Catch {
    Write-Output "Failed to verify WSUS server role installation" | Add-Content $LogFile
#endregion - Locate WSUS Server

# Step 3 : WSUS Connection #
#region - WSUS Connection
# Try on default port 8530
Try {
    $WsusPort = "8530"
    $Wsus = [microsoft.updateservices.administration.adminproxy]::getupdateserver($WsusServer,$false,$WsusPort)
    $Connection = $Wsus.Name
Catch {
    # Try on port 80
    Try {
        $WsusPort = "80"
        $Wsus = [microsoft.updateservices.administration.adminproxy]::getupdateserver($WsusServer,$false,$WsusPort)
        $Connection = $Wsus.Name
    Catch {
        # Try on port 8531
        Try {
            $WsusPort = "8531"
            $Wsus = [microsoft.updateservices.administration.adminproxy]::getupdateserver($WsusServer,$true,$WsusPort)
            $Connection = $Wsus.Name
        Catch {
            # Try on port 443
            Try {
                $WsusPort = "443"
                $Wsus = [microsoft.updateservices.administration.adminproxy]::getupdateserver($WsusServer,$true,$WsusPort)
                $Connection = $Wsus.Name
            Catch {
                # End of Script
                Write-Output "WSUS Server connection failed on all ports" | Add-Content $LogFile
#endregion - WSUS Connection

# Step 4 : WSUS Reporting #
#region - WSUS Reporting
# Variables Definition
$computerscope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.ComputerTargetScope
$updatescope = New-Object Microsoft.UpdateServices.Administration.UpdateScope
$updateClassifications = $Wsus.GetUpdateClassifications() | Where-Object {$_.Title -eq "Security Updates"}
$Servers = $wsus.GetComputerTargets($computerscope) | Where-Object {($_.ComputerRole -eq "Server")}
$NBServers = $Servers.Count

Write-Output "WSUS Server has $NBServers to manage" | Add-Content $LogFile
$Servers | Foreach {
    $FullDomainName = $_.FullDomainName
    $WorkstationID = $_.Id
    $LastSyncClient = $_.LastSyncTime
    [STRING]$LastSyncResultClient = $_.LastSyncResult
    $LastReportedStatusTime = $_.LastReportedStatusTime
    $IPAddress = ($_.IPAddress).IPAddressToString
    $Id = $_.Id
    $Make = $_.Make
    $Model = $_.Model
    $OSLanguage = ($_.OSInfo).DefaultUILanguage
    $OSArchitecture = $_.OSArchitecture
    $OSFamily = $_.OSFamily
    $OSDescription = $_.OSDescription
    $ComputerTargetGroupIds = $_.ComputerTargetGroupIds
    $SyncsFromDownstreamServer = $_.SyncsFromDownstreamServer
    $UpdateServer = $_.UpdateServer.Name

    # Get AD Information
    Try {
        Write-Output "Trying to retrieve Active Directory Informations for $FullDomainName" | Add-Content $LogFile
        $CurrentServer = Get-ADComputer -Filter {DNSHostName -eq $FullDomainName} -Properties CanonicalName -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object Enabled,CanonicalName,OperatingSystem,Name
        Write-Output "Successfully retrieve Active Directory Informations for $FullDomainName" | Add-Content $LogFile
    Catch {
        Write-Output "Failed to retrieve Active Directory Informations for $FullDomainName" | Add-Content $LogFile
    # Define state for Begining and End of year, plus a targeted date (here M-30)
    $KBToInstallJanuary = $wsus.GetSummariesPerComputerTarget($updatescope,$computerscope) | where {($_.ComputerTargetId -eq $WorkstationID)} |Select-Object -ExpandProperty NotInstalledCount
    $KBToInstallUpToDate = $wsus.GetSummariesPerComputerTarget($updatescope,$computerscope) | where {($_.ComputerTargetId -eq $WorkstationID)} |Select-Object -ExpandProperty NotInstalledCount
    $KBToInstallJ30 = $wsus.GetSummariesPerComputerTarget($updatescope,$computerscope) | where {($_.ComputerTargetId -eq $WorkstationID)} |Select-Object -ExpandProperty NotInstalledCount
    $IPAddress = ($_."IPAddress").IPAddressToString
    $Array += New-Object psobject -Property @{
        FullDomainName = $FullDomainName
        WorkstationID = $Id
        LastSyncClient = $LastSyncClient
        LastSyncResultClient = $LastSyncResultClient
        LastReportedStatusTime = $LastReportedStatusTime
        IPAddress = $IPAddress
        Enabled = $CurrentServer.Enabled
        CanonicalName =$CurrentServer.CanonicalName
        Name = $CurrentServer.Name
        KBNeededInJanuary = $KBToInstallJanuary
        KBNeededLastMonth = $KBToInstallJ30
        KBNeededToBeUpToDate = $KBToInstallUpToDate
        Id = $Id
        Make = $Make
        Model = $Model
        OSLanguage = $OSLanguage
        OSArchitecture = $OSArchitecture
        OSFamily = $OSFamily
        OSDescription = $OSDescription
        ComputerTargetGroupIds = $ComputerTargetGroupIds
        SyncsFromDownstreamServer = $SyncsFromDownstreamServer
        UpdateServer = $UpdateServer
    # Release
    $FullDomainName = $null
    $WorkstationID = $null
    $LastSyncClient = $null
    $LastSyncResultClient = $null
    $LastReportedStatusTime = $null
    $IPAddress = $null
    $Id = $null
    $Make = $null
    $Model = $null
    $OSLanguage = $null
    $OSArchitecture = $null
    $OSFamily = $null
    $OSDescription = $null
    $ComputerTargetGroupIds = $null
    $SyncsFromDownstreamServer = $null
    $CurrentServer = $null
    $UpdateServer = $null
    $KBToInstallJanuary = $null
    $KBToInstallUpToDate = $null
    $KBToInstallJ30 = $null
#endregion - WSUS Reporting

# Step 4 : Export Data #
#region - Export Data
$Array | select WorkstationID,Make,Model,OSFamily,OSDescription,OSArchitecture,OSLanguage,IPAddress,FullDomainName,Name,CanonicalName,Enabled,SyncsFromDownstreamServer,UpdateServer,LastReportedStatusTime,LastSyncClient,LastSyncResultClient,KBNeededInJanuary,KBNeededLastMonth,KBNeededToBeUpToDate | Export-Csv $ResultFolder\Report.csv -Delimiter ";" -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation

#endregion - Export Data



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