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Sharepoint Online : Script de Restauration d'éléments dans la corbeille.

Restaurer des milliers d'éléments supprimés par une personne sur un site Sharepoint peut être une opération fastidieuse, voici donc un script Powershell pour le faire à votre place et vous bénéficierez aussi d'un rapport d'état ("Success", "Failure") pour chacun des éléments.

1 - Prérequis Powershell

Dans un premier temps nous allons avoir besoin d’installer le module Powershell nécessaire à la gestion de Sharepoint, pour ce faire utilisez la commande suivante :

# Installation du Module Powershell
Install-Module SharePointPnPPowerShellOnline

Une fois le module Powershell installé nous allons pouvoir nous connecter au site et atteindre sa corbeille de là nous pourrons faire le filtrage et l’export des éléments.

2 - Script Powershell

# Script to Restore RecycleBin elements
# By : Mathieu ADELAÏDE
# Date : 06/09/2019
# Version : V0

# Step 0 : Management #
#region - Step 0
# Folder Definition
# Get Current Path
$currentPath = (Get-Location).Path

$RootFolder = "C:\Temp\Sharepoint"
$LogFolder = "$RootFolder\Log"

#Folder Creation
$AllFolder = $RootFolder, $LogFolder
$AllFolder | foreach {
    $FolderName = $_
    If (!(Test-Path $FolderName)) {
        New-Item $FolderName -ItemType Directory

# Files Definition
$ResultState = "$LogFolder\RestaurationReport.csv"
Add-Content $ResultState -Value "Title;ItemType;Size;ItemState;DirName;DeletedByName;DeletedDate;ID;State"
$logFilePath = "$logFolder\SP_Restauration.log"

#Define Array
$Array = @()

#Config Variables
$SiteURL = "https://MySite.sharepoint.com/sites/Recrutement"
#endregion - Step 0

# Step 1 : Connection #
#region - Step 1
#Connect to Sharepoint Online
Try {
    Connect-PnPOnline -Url $SiteURL -Credentials (Get-Credential)
Catch {
    $tmpError = $_.Exception.message
	Write-Output "The following error occurred: $tmpError" | Add-Content $logFilePath
	Write-Output "The error occurred while we trying to Connect to Sharepoint Online" | Add-Content $logFilePath
#endregion - Step 1

# Step 2 : Collection and Restoration #
#region - Step 2
# List all Items
$RecycleBin = Get-PnPRecycleBinItem

# Filter result
$FilteredRecycleBin = $RecycleBin.Where({$_.DeletedByName -eq "DUPONT Jean"})
$FilteredRecycleBin | foreach {
    $Title = $_.Title
    $ItemType = $_.ItemType
    $Size = $_.Size
    $ItemState = $_.ItemState
    $DirName = $_.DirName
    $DeletedByName = $_.DeletedByName
    $DeletedDate = $_.DeletedDate
    $ID = $_.id
    $Guid = $ID.Guid
    # Restore
    Try {
        Restore-PnPRecycleBinItem -Identity $Guid -Force -ErrorAction Stop
        Write-Output "Successfully Restored File $Title" | Add-Content $logFilePath
        $State = "Succes"
    Catch {
        $tmpError = $_.Exception.message
	    Write-Output "The following error occurred: $tmpError" | Add-Content $logFilePath
	    Write-Output "The error occurred while we trying to Restore $Title" | Add-Content $logFilePath
        $State = "Failed"
    $Array += New-Object psobject -Property @{
        Title = $Title
        ItemType = $ItemType
        Size = $Size
        ItemState = $ItemState
        DirName = $DirName
        DeletedByName = $DeletedByName
        DeletedDate = $DeletedDate
        State = $State
        Id = $id

    # Release variable
    $Title = $null
    $ItemType = $null
    $Size = $null
    $ItemState = $null
    $DirName = $null
    $DeletedByName = $null
    $DeletedDate = $null
    $ID = $null
    $State = $null
    $Guid = $null
#endregion - Step 2

# Step 3 : Export #
#region - Step 3
Try {
    $Array | Export-Csv $ResultState -Encoding UTF8 -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ";"
    Write-Output "Successfully Export Data" | Add-Content $logFilePath
Catch {
    $tmpError = $_.Exception.message
	Write-Output "The following error occurred: $tmpError" | Add-Content $logFilePath
	Write-Output "The error occurred while we trying to Export Data" | Add-Content $logFilePath
#endregion - Step 3


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