Lors du basculement d’agents gérés par une gateway vers une gateway de secours (failover), il peut arriver que quelques alertes “Heartbeat Failure” indésirables soit générées.
Le script suivant propose de lister, démarrer ou arrêter les modes maintenance des instances Health Service Watcher des agents gérés par une gateway/management server donné.
Cette action est bien entendu possible pour une autre classe, dans la mesure ou le DisplayName de l’instance correspond a celui de l’agent.
########################################################################################################################################### ## SCRIPT TO START/STOP/DISPLAY MAINTENANCE MODE FOR HEALTH SERVICE WATCHER OBJECTS THAT DEPENDS FROM SPECIFIC MANAGEMENT SERVER OR GATEWAY ## Author: CJOURDAN ########################################################################################################################################### #Parameters # $MGroup : Management Group to connect to # $MStoConnect : Management server to connect to # $PrimMS : Management server or Gateway FQDN from which depend agents. # $Reason : Reason for Maintenance Mode (Valid Reason are: PlannedOther # UnPlannedOther # PlannedHardwareMaintenance # UnplannedHardwareMaintenance # PlannedHardwareInstallation # UnplannedHardwareInstallation # PlannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration # UnplannedOperatingSystemReconfiguration # PlannedApplicationMaintenance # ApplicationInstallation # ApplicationUnresponsive # ApplicationUnstable # SecurityIssue # LossOfNetworkConnectivity) # # $Comment : Comment for Maintenance Mode # $MMAction : START or STOP OR DISPLAY Maintenance Mode # $MMDuration : Maintenance Mode Duration in minutes (only valuable for START $MMAction) # EXAMPLES: # Display Health Service Watcher Maintenance Mode Status for agents primary managed by MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home # .\ScomSwitchMM.ps1 -MGroup MyMGROUP -MStoConnect MyMS.mydomain.home -PrimMS MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home -MMAction display # Start Health Service Watcher Maintenance Mode for agents primary managed by MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home during 60 min # .\ScomSwitchMM.ps1 -MGroup MyMGROUP -MStoConnect MyMS.mydomain.home -PrimMS MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home -MMAction start -MMDuration 60 Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $ClassName = "Health Service Watcher", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MGroup = "MyMGROUP", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $MStoConnect= "MyMS.mydomain.home", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $PrimMS= "MyPriMaryMS.mydomain.home", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Reason = "PlannedOther", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] $Comment = "", [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] $MMAction = $(Read-Host -Prompt "PROVIDE TYPE OF MAINTENANCE MODE ACTION: START or STOP OR DISPLAY"), [Parameter(Mandatory=$false)] # $MMDuration in minutes $MMDuration = 0 ) if ($MMAction -notmatch ".*STOP.*|.*START.*|.*DISPLAY.*") { write-host -ForegroundColor Yellow "YOU MUST PROVIDE VALID MAINTENANCE MODE ACTION TYPE: START or STOP or DISPLAY" EXIT 1 } $cred = $(Get-Credential -Credential "MyDomain\") #Import du module SCOM try { Import-Module -Name OperationsManager -ErrorAction stop } catch { write-host -ForegroundColor red "Error during import of SCOM PS Module" EXIT 1 } #Connection au management group $MGroup try { New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection -ComputerName $MStoConnect -Credential $cred } catch { write-host -ForegroundColor red "Error during connection to MS $MStoConnect - CHECK CREDENTIALS USED" EXIT 1 } # Get Scom agents that have $PrimMS as Primary Management Server $agents = get-scomagent | where {$_.PrimaryManagementServerName -eq $PrimMS} if (!($agents)) { write-host "NO SCOM AGENTS FOUND FOR SERVER $PrimMS - CHECK THAT THE NAME IS CORRECT (YOU MUST PROVIDE FQDN) OR THAT THIS SERVER BELONG TO $MGroup MANAGEMENT GROUP" EXIT 1 } # Get "Health Service Watcher" Class Instances $class = Get-SCOMClass -DisplayName $ClassName switch($MMAction) { START { # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class # Class to put in MM Table $ClassInstToMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstToMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $starttime = $(get-date).ToUniversalTime() $endtime = $(get-date).AddMinutes($MMDuration).ToUniversalTime() # PUT IN Maintenance Mode $($ClassInstToMM | foreach {$_.schedulemaintenancemode($starttime,$endtime,$Reason,$Comment)}) # Display effective instances in MM write-host "EFFECTIVE INSTANCES OF CLASS '$ClassName' IN MAINTENANCE MODE (Primary Managed by $PrimMS):" # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class $ClassInstInMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstInMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $ClassInstInMM } STOP { # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class # Class to put out of MM Table $ClassInstOoMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstOoMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } # Only Endttime in necessary and it is now $endtime = $(get-date).ToUniversalTime() # PUT IN Maintenance Mode $($ClassInstOoMM | foreach {$_.stopmaintenancemode($endtime)}) # Display effective instances in MM write-host "EFFECTIVE INSTANCES OF CLASS '$ClassName' OUT OF MAINTENANCE MODE (Primary Managed by $PrimMS):" # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class $ClassInstOoMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstOoMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $ClassInstOoMM } DISPLAY { # Display effective instances in MM write-host "`n INSTANCES OF CLASS '$ClassName' MAINTENANCE MODE STATE (Primary Managed by $PrimMS):" # Get instances of "Health Service Watcher" Class $ClassInstances = Get-SCOMClassInstance -Class $class $ClassInstMM = @() # Get class instances that match agents foreach ($agent in $agents) { $ClassInstMM += ($ClassInstances | Where-Object {$_.DisplayName -eq $agent.displayname}) } $ClassInstMM } }