Le script ci-dessous archive des fichiers de log plus ancien que $daysthreshold vers une archive zip existante ($zipfilepath). Il crée le sous dossier et l’archive zip horodatée si elle n’existe pas.
############################################################### ### ArchiveLogs.ps1 ### ### Add Log Files older than $days to existing zip archive. ### ### Params ### $logpath: Log Folder ### $archpath: Archive Folder ### $zipfilePath: zip file path ### $daysthreshold: Treat log older than $daysthreshold days ############################################################### Param( $logpath = "C:\MyLogFolder", $archpath = "C:\MyLogFolder\Archive\", $zipfilePath = "$archpath"+"*.zip", [int]$daysthreshold = 0 ) # Test if $archpath exist If ( -not (Test-Path $archpath)) {New-Item $archpath -type directory} # Get items to archive $ItemsToArc = Get-Childitem -Path $logpath -recurse | Where-Object {$_.extension -eq ".log" -and $_.LastWriteTime -lt (get-date).AddDays(-$daysthreshold)} # Log and exit if No items to archive If (! $ItemsToArc) { Write-Host -F Yellow "No items to archive - Check the existence of the logs" exit 0 } # If the zip file not exist, create it if (!(Get-Item $zipfile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { $date = $(Get-Date).ToString("MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm-ss") New-Item -Path "$archpath$date.zip" $zipfile = $(Get-Item "$archpath$date.zip").FullName } Else { $zipfile = $(Get-Item $zipfilePath).FullName } # Create a com object that will represent the zip file $Zip = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application write-progress -activity "Archiving Data" -status "Progress..." try { $ItemsToArc | foreach {$Zip.namespace($zipfile).Movehere($_.fullname,8) ; start-sleep -Seconds 3} } catch { Write-Host "Error during File add to Zip" }